Sunday, May 24, 2020

Memorial Day in the USA

Today we remember the brave men and women who gave their lives for our freedom. These past three years, I felt like our freedoms have been  eroded away by partisan politics and angry verbal assaults. Take a few minutes to think what Memorial Day is about. They are not just numbers of dead or rows and rows of white graves in a military cemetery, they were sons, fathers, brothers, sisters, mothers and daughters. People who had family left to grieve and try to fill the hole left in their homes and hearts. Take some time to ponder peace and what it would mean to have peace both in our nation and in the world. My grandchildren are in their late teens and early twenties and have never known a time when America hasn't been at war. Remember the families of the fallen, and stop to honor the memory of the lives lost.

Because it is Sunday, I got to do my own thing in the studio. I did get a customer quilt done, but mostly, sewed and trimmed and sewed some more.

My blocks, all pressed and ready to trim

Squared up to 9 1/2 inches. Now, I have to cut and do a little magic trick to them again!!

After cutting the blocks and re-sewing them, I get this! New blocks with a secondary design of stars.

Rearranged a bit, and sewn together. I think I'll look at possible borders tomorrow. This could turn into a Quilt of Valor!
It may have been a pain to do, but I am so glad I took the time to fix this customer's quilt! It is beautiful.
Panto: Ruffled paisley
The back.
I quilted this pretty Spring quilt today

Panto: Alpine
A Peek at the back

That's all the quilting that got accomplished today. I quit early to make coleslaw and baked beans to go with the ribs Mr Wazoo has been preparing all day. It will be a nice indoor picnic!
The yard was especially lovely today (once I shooed the deer away from Mr W's gardens!) so I took a few pictures for posterity. I hope you have a fun family time today and tomorrow. I plan to be in my studio, doing what I love.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I confess, I can't figure out how you cut the HSTs to end up with the design. Your gardens are amazingly and parklike with so much color and texture interest.


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