I knew I had customers coming to pick up quilts early, so I started in the studio at 9:30 instead of 10:00. I loaded up a queen sized Christmas quilt on Millie, and once I had it humming along, I loaded a quilt on the big Gammill. Using the Gammill has really made the quilting go faster, and is quite relaxing. I cranked up the '60s on Sirius XM and went to work!
This is a nice red and white scrappy quilt. Laying 9 patches right next to each other makes this secondary pattern.
There was a variety of prints and patterns in the fabrics, making it fun to look at while doing the quilting. I used one of my favorite paper pantos: Rosie. It is hard to see the pattern, but it is roses, leaves and swirly bits. Very pretty.
I chose the panto because of the focus fabric used for the backing and the borders on the quilt top.
Millie chugged along, and I kept advancing the Christmas quilt after each row, but it was big and took a long time. Long enough to load and quilt this pretty teal and purple strippy quilt.
I chose a teal thread for the quilting, and used the paper panto: Frisky Feathers
Pink and purple flowers on the back, too.
Meanwhile, Millie finally clacked her way to the end of the last row, and the quilt was finished. It was a square, flat, well constructed quilt with a great big back! Piece of cake!!
The Christmas collection the customer used was a fun, whimsical bunch of wintery fabrics. There were snowmen, reindeer on skis, Santa Clauses, Christmas trees...all sorts of happy scenes.
I used the digital panto: Snowfall
The backing is the reindeer fabric. I love the one who fell and is rolled in a giant snowball!
I just realized I hadn't taken pictures of the last quilt of the day! It is a colorful quilt for a child with autism. The backing is a bright cheddar yellow fur Minkie. The customer says her grandson loves the soft Minkie, and it helps him settle down at bedtime. I made the label and binding for it as well, and finished it completely at 5:30. I guess I wanted to be done and up to the kitchen to fix some supper. I'll snap some photos tomorrow before the customer comes to get it.
Here's a sight you don't often see in my studio...both machines at rest. No quilts loaded anywhere! It won't look like this for long. Tomorrow is another quilting day at Wazoo.
Millie taking a snooze. She's probably dreaming of new ways to make my life difficult...
Big Gammill. She's a beast, and I love her. Twelve years old and still runs like a top.
The hydrangea next to the driveway must be eight feet tall!! We have had so much rain lately, everything is growing faster and bigger than ever. Mr Wazoo has his work cut out for him to keep it all looking beautiful
We did a frivolous thing the other day. We put indoor-outdoor carpeting in the back porch. I make so many trips out there for things from the pantry cabinet or the freezer, and sometimes I'm in my socks or bare feet. The nail heads in the floor were constantly poking me. Ouch! Mr W went to the Home Depot and got this carpet. I love it already. So soft and nice on my feet, and Molly likes it, too. She runs up and down barking at the deer when they venture into Mr Wazoo's garden. We're both happy with the choice.
Everyone needs a laugh...