Saturday, March 5, 2022

Quilt, dog and spring!

 I spent a relaxed day in the studio yesterday, with Penny as company and some interaction with my friendly customers. The ladies came for the repaired log cabin as well as the tablecloth quilt. Both were happy, and that makes me feel great!

Remember this Barn Raising log cabin project? It came in as a sad top with numerous worn and torn logs, in need of a good cleaning. Here it is, fixed, quilted, bound and washed.

Most of the day, I worked on this Tula Pink quilt. While the rows were stitched, I chose and cut the fabrics for the borders that were part of month one and two of the Block of the Month I'm doing. Oh dear! We're into month three and I am still doing January! Hopefully, this weekend I will get the bits made for the appliqué and the dog-tooth borders done.
 Here is the Tula quilt.

I must say, it is very colorful. I think I would like it better if there was somewhere for the eye to rest! That's a lot of pattern going on. I like Tula Pink fabrics, but moderation with busy prints is the key to a successful quilt.

The squirrel fabric is one of my favorites of this collection!

Panto: Boho in lime green So Fine thread.
I like the juxtaposition of the huge flowers and the tiny birds.

The backing was the most exciting Marcia Derse fabric I have seen.

It is so beautiful, I thought I'd show you the whole thing!
I would have it on my bed this side up! ha ha

The quilting texture stands out well on the backing.

It has been beautiful outside for a couple of days, and there was a tiny sign of Spring right in the middle of the lawn! One poppy has come up well outside the flower garden. I suspect the seed was deposited by a pooping bird or squirrel. It made me smile!

Last night, I was doing some hand stitching on the strip quilt repair and the Christmas quilt binding when Penny started to cry quietly. I moved the quilt on my lap, and this is what I saw. Awww...How can I resist that face? Time to quit working and give her some cuddles and love. It was a full day. On to the next!!

Yup, those are my legs, where she wedged her head in trying to get my attention.

Friday, March 4, 2022

Progress on all fronts

 After a horrible set back from an especially hard aqua therapy session, I am slowly recovering and back at the studio. I took a day off to ice my back and rest, then began to slowly start quilting again. Will this ever get better?! I hope so.

I began with one of my own quilts, getting it quilted and the binding made and applied. I need to do the hand stitching, but it will be another finish!

I made another Stars over Lake Minoqua quilt from these sparkly holiday fabrics. All of them have a glittery finish, hard to see in photos. This is not my favorite of the series I have made. The fabrics are too close in value to see the secondary star pattern.

My favorite Christmas panto is Holly Berry, and it looks great in gold thread.

Backing from a sale at the Hiawassee shop.

I made the binding from an old Jinny Beyer fabric I've had for years in my red stash.

I finished the quilting of the five customer quilts from the same lady. The first two were the green and blue stars and the peacock quilt. The last three were all identical; panels of construction vehicles. Really fun!

I won't show all three because they are exactly the same. 
It is a really cute panel, though.

The panto came with my HQ machine, and is a spiral square motif. I forgot the name...maybe plaid something...My mind is a blank.

Matching backing.

Next was a project that will be a tablecloth for the quilt maker's friend. I did a more dense panto to make it sturdy and flat. The football shapes are sewn on with various decorative stitches. My cupped foot on the HQ glided right over the raised edges without turning any of them over when sewn! I love that foot.

The quilt will lie really flat on a table because of the dense stitching

Panto: Paisley flower in a light blue Omni thread.

The backing is this attractive nautical print.

I have been making slow progress on the boxed squares on point quilt. The sashing is 3/4 inch finished, so it has been a fiddly bit of sewing. Its not perfect, but it looks as good as it is going to. I'm over it, but have miles to go to get the top done.

I was right about the black and gold is stunning!
A pain to sew, but effective for showing off the block fabrics.

Oh, I am truly in love with these Lonni Rossi fabrics!

On the Homefront, Mr Wazoo has been in his element, working in the yard every day. He has raked and cleared the leaves from winter, and pruned the garden plants. A man driving by stopped and got out of his truck just to talk with Mr W and heap praise on his gardening prowess. Now, he is even more stoked to get everything in shape for Spring!

With warm, sunny weather, Mr W is a happy boy.

I took Penny out for a run in the back yard. She enjoyed the warm day as much as I did, watching her from a lawn chair.

Grandson sent a picture of the quilt he designed on his computer. Oh my, what a six year old can do on a computer that his Grandma struggles to do... I'm going to try to make the quilt on the screen as a surprise for him. A good weekend challenge!

Stay tuned to see if it materializes!