Saturday, July 17, 2021

Being held captive by mosquitoes!

 The city fogger came around during the night, but they drove so quickly, I doubt the fog made it to the lawn! I took Penny out this morning and within seconds we were attacked by the giant blood suckers. Poor Penny had them swarming around her face and head while she's trying to pee. I took her to the dog park, but it was just as bad there. Back inside for the day.

I did finish the top from Thursday, and got a great start on a new pattern. The cutting took a while, but wasn't too bad. I had the block components sorted and started sewing.

Nancy and I listened to smooth jazz while we sewed our projects

By the end of the day, I had loads of components sewn and ready to press!
I had to quit to go home and make supper, so I will start again today making blocks.

Here is the finished top from Thursday.

Nancy says, "Show your face!" so here I am!

My daughter in Oregon went hiking with her boyfriend and took some beautiful photos. I would love to go there and see these places...maybe when I get back to my normal life!

Always a goof, she snapped this selfie of them at a waterfall. It reminds me of the pictures people take at the Eiffel Tower where they pretend to be holding it up.

It is just so beautiful and calming. I want to see it, too! Unfortunately, I'd have to hike 7 miles to do that. 
Maybe someday.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Lots of sewing and more rain

 I couldn't believe it when the sky went black and rain poured down yet again!! It's still gray outside and I think there is more rain to come. No respite from the mosquito plague!

On the bright side, I had most of the day to sew! I made a bunch of 9 patches from fruity fabric I bought at Walmart and went about the business of cutting them into split 9-patches. Nothing fancy, I arranged them like you see here, where they make their own sashing and cornerstones. It was fun! Now, I need to get the rows sewn and a side row of sashing and squares for the right side. (I made the bottom row, and it will be sewn on in the end).

The blocks were cut into four pieces and then arranged on the design wall. The fabrics were really cute fruit designs.

My first layout revealed the diagonal line of cherry blocks sticking out.

That diagonal line bothered me...

So I moved them around. Then I spied the diagonal line of lemon blocks!
That dilemma will have to wait until tomorrow to fix.

Nancy was working on her African animals quilt. She had these blocks done and is working on the supporting blocks. It is going to be a beautiful quilt.

The animals are cut from a panel and then framed with coordinating fabrics. 
Nancy is making shoo fly blocks for the spaces. There is a lot of sewing for this quilt!

The park is getting some more Wi-fi poles installed, and the guys came to set this one by Nancy's  house. Boy, did they get stuck!! The truck's back tires were four inches into the mud and they had to have another truck come to pull them out. We've had so much rain, the ground is squishy with lush green grass on top. Very deceiving. 

Before the rain came, my dad's PT guy came and they walked around the block. That's a really long walk for my 98 year old  Dad. He slept most of the afternoon following this workout!
I need to get going. We're having stuffed peppers and spaghetti for supper. I made brownies yesterday, and we'll have a small one for dessert. Yum!

Going home soon!

 There has been little sewing, but I'm going to sew today. My back improves a bit daily, but it is still hard to get comfortable or sleep. The good news is I will be going home just over a week from today. 

Penny has been sad because her run s in the dog park are on hold until the clouds of mosquitos go away. We were not able to even get in the gate without being attacked. These are giant mosquitos with a strip on their backs. They come like a cloud and land all over me and Penny. We high tailed it out of there and back to the safety of the house. Quick potty walks in the yard are the only outdoor activity.

I will post pictures of the sewing progress later today. Until then, here's Penny, having fun with her blanket.