Saturday, May 23, 2020

Memorial Day weekend, and I will be working, as usual

I am so discombobulated with the COVID-19 protocol...I never know what day it is anymore. I miss having certain events to keep me grounded and active, like the weekly grocery shop (we now go about every three weeks), my two quilting guilds (none for three months) and little things like getting a haircut or a dog groom. The calendar has blank spaces where all our appointments and events used to be. We're staying safe, and staying home.
The last couple of days have been a slog of removing borders, squaring up a customer quilt, and re-applying the borders. It took nearly the entire day to get the quilt straightened out and the quilting started. It's a pretty quilt, but the bias edges throughout the block construction threw the quilt maker off and there borders were like romaine lettuce leaves!! After removal, starching heavily, squaring up and re-applying, I have conquered the quilt.

Outer border off. I measured and the inner border also has to come off. Drat!

You can see the ruffle in the smaller white border. I took it off, too, and set to work fixing the problem. The customer didn't want to tackle it, so asked me if I would fix it.

Everything  sewn back on, the quilt now lies flat and the quilting is going along nicely. I removed almost six inches of excess border!! How does that happen?!
On the Gammill is a custom job. The quilt is a beautiful appliqué and pieced queen sized project. I am doing the stitch  in the ditch right now, and am excited to get quilting on it, as I have already made my plan and want to get started on the actual pretty quilting.

Blue seems to be this week's color choice here at Wazoo! This is a really pretty quilt. I hope I can do it justice with the quilting.
After work on Tuesday, I sewed a bunch of half square triangles for a class sample quilt. I used a Homespuns layer cake, and the little fleckies of fabric that came off the brushed cottons were like tiny confetti all over my shirt and black pants! I used the lint roller to get them off me and the cutting mat. I have a feeling there will be more to come while I sew and cut the project.

Before cutting apart and pressing

After! Nice HSTs ready for the next step.
While I was re-doing the big blue and white quilt, I quilted this lovely bird quilt. The customer has made several different bird themed quilts for family members and always selects the Little Bird panto. This one is especially nice.

The pattern looks deceptively simple, but I'm sure getting all those diamonds to behave was a challenge. Good job!

Here is a close up view of the fabrics.

The panto is called Little Bird. It is easier to see the birds on the solid backing.

See them?
I hope to finish the blue and white quilt today and make a lot of progress on the custom quilt. We have had more torrential rains here, and it makes me glad I live on the side of a mountain, even though it may not be a super tall one! I saw the flooding on Bonnie Hunter's site and hope we don't suffer the same fate.
I'm off to work! Have a nice weekend, and pause to remember the thousand of people who gave their lives for your freedom.

1 comment:

  1. You are certainly amazing, prolific, and talented. I can't imagine the work taking that quilt apart. I am an oh so slow longarmer. I don't do pantos or computerization, but design one thing at a time and move the machine. Not complaining, I like to work that way, but I don't get as much done as most. I work for myself doing mostly comfort quilt.


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