Thursday, May 21, 2020

He tells me it's Thursday

Yesterday was Wednesday. If you were learning to speak English, that would be a good sentence for using the past tense. Unfortunately, that is what we talk about when sitting down at the end of the day and turn on there TV. Oh my gosh! Is it Wednesday? No, it's Thursday. Sigh...
Anyhoo, it has been a busy week and I thought we must have missed a day in there somewhere. But I digress. There is quilting to see and that is what I am here for!

This large, completely hand pieced log cabin was on the machine most of the day. When hand piecing, it is easy to get a block wonky or have accidental fullness. This quilt had both . I don't feel I did a good job on it, but I did spent over an hour spray starching and steam ironing it in an effort to get it to lay flat. No dice.

I used a big meander for the quilting, smoothing and corralling the fullness where I could.

The back is a soft, microfiber sheet.

By late afternoon, I was able to get my Irish chain loaded, and opted for a pretty pantograph instead of custom quilting. I really don't have time to do any fancy quilting for myself right now. There are other custom jobs waiting.

The panto is a new one called Keepsake Daisies. I thought it was the perfect choice for this project.

I sewed on the yellow floral binding, and finished the hand sewing during TV watching last night.

Here is the label.
I also finished putting together the newsletter for the evening guild and sent it  along to the members before going to bed at 12:45. A full day, for sure! This morning, Molly woke me up at 7:00 on the dot to go outside, so today will be another long one. Maybe I'll go to bed early tonight...(seriously loud laughing in the background)
See you tomorrow. Can you believe it is Memorial Day weekend?!! Hang out the flag and pay tribute to our war dead the best you can when sheltering at home.

Chez Wazoo

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