Tuesday, August 12, 2014

You're moving?!!

This is the response I get when ever I tell someone that Mr Wazoo and I are moving to Georgia in the Spring. We kept it on the QT for awhile but feel it's time to start letting our customers and friends know our plans.
We have been looking in the general area of Tim's family in South Carolina, western North Carolina, and northern Georgia for some time and just recently came across the ideal place for our home and business. Our realtor found a partially built home just outside Blairsville, GA that was being built as a spec house. It has the big room we need for the business and studio, and has all the living area on one floor. We got in at the right time to pick appliances and countertops, bathroom fixtures and electricals. After we close, we will contract to have the 'bonus room' finished as the studio space. People will no longer have to walk through our living space to get to the business; it has its own entrance!
Northern Georgia has a moderate climate and the wonderful change of seasons I miss so much living here in Florida. We have mountain views without the steep climb to get to the house, as well as being close to town but still in the country.
 I won't miss the oppressive heat of summer, the threat of hurricanes, the fear of sinkholes or the clog of snowbirds in the winter. What I will dearly miss are my friends and my loyal customers. It is pretty scary to go somewhere where we don't know anyone and start over. We're not spring chickens, so it is harder than when we started here 14 years ago. My quilting friends are what has kept me sane while living here, and I hope they will always be my friends despite the distance between us.
I will be having the last retreat in Sebring in January and continue the Nifty Fifty quilting group until we move. I have commitments until mid-March, so that will probably when I will be going. If the house sells quicker than we imagine it will, I will have to adjust my plan a bit, but not leave anyone in the lurch.
While you absorb all of this, take a look at where we're going and our 'almost' house.

The countryside on the drive to the house

more countryside 

our house

the lower level is the garage and the studio next to it

garage level where customers will come

great room in progress

Studio entrance

back porch will be screened
back of unfinished studio

unfinished studio

our road

looking the other direction

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