Saturday, April 1, 2017

Long days working

The last few days have been a bit boring for anyone reading this blog. All we do is work. Mr Wazoo took one day off to play in the yard, but I have been in the studio quilting eight or more hours a day, trying to get my back-log to a manageable amount, The quilt I am working on now os another huge custom job that took two full days to stitch in the ditch. About halfway through, I sewed in a long tuck on the backing and had to back up the train, take out a row of quilting, and then re-do the work. See...boring. Yesterday, I finally started the pretty quilting, but even that is pretty mind numbing. The same motif over and over and I said, huge quilt. The saving grace is, the quilt is really pretty, and the fabrics fun to look at.

SID, white stars and tan side triangles done so far.

We had a couple of loud rain storms lately, and I didn't stop the man from mowing and cleaning up the yard. Spring is here, and the grass was getting thick and unruly. He also added the new layer of mulch to the gardens and gravel to the side of the driveway for drainage. Most of the garden plants are self sustaining and don't require much attention, but the lawn is another story. He is constantly trying to get grass to grow in the hard, red clay. Gives him a challenge!

Flowers and shrubs starting to fill in the rock gardens.

Gray gravel along the drive. Looks good!

He did the patch in the back, too, next to the compost staging area.
I have to say that MrW also did his studio work. He has been quilting most days, getting his indoor projects done, too. Its a bit disheartening to have him churning out quilt after quilt while I slog along for days on the same project! Oh well, that's life here at Wazoo. Not much conversation, just the steady hum of the machines.

Cute wallhanging for a grandchild's room

Panto: Star Spangled Banner

Sophisticated baby quilt made with forest friends fabrics.
Panto: Modern Twist

This is a modern art quilt, meant to represent a window.

The customer requested randomly spaced horizontal lines.
I think Mr W did a great job with this custom quilting task.

He loaded this at the end of the day, ready to quilt when we start again.
I am still trying to finish the tee shirt quilt for the Christian school. The customer called and requested a sleeve be attached, so I have been sewing the binding, making a fancier than usual label and making the hanging sleeve. I plan to get this one done today, and ready for the hand sewing tonight.

I made the label on the computer yesterday after work, and will get it sewn into the binding along with the sleeve today.

I hope this entry hasn't made you too would be nice to spend some time on the porch watching the baby squirrels scamper up and down the tree, or the birds visiting the feeders, but the quilting comes first and we have to keep at it to make the customers happy. Don't get me wrong, I love the quilting, but the siren song of sunny warm weather and the awakening of the flora and fauna is strong. We want to go out and play!
Our daughter comes tomorrow, so there will be another dreaded task Have mercy! Until later...

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