I had some unfinished business from yesterday, so I started the day binding the blue and yellow quilt. Mr Wazoo was off to the dentist, so Molly and I had the studio to ourselves. We listened to North Woods Law, the program about fish and game wardens in New Hampshire. Another show you don't have to watch to get the gist of what's going on. For a couple of hours, it was a nice change.
All ready for show and tell! |
I even remembered the label! |
Next, I quilted the last of 6 quilts from the same customer. They were all small, so we whizzed through them in just a few days. Then, i started a bigger quilt my sister made. Lots of lime green...my favorite neutral!!
Simple pattern with a pleasing look. |
Panto: Posies and butterflies
I finally finished the last row at 6:30! I'll trim it tomorrow.
I don't remember the name of the pattern I used...something ferns. I'm so bad at remembering the panto names. It looks really nice, though.
I think the grapes are a nice surprise!!
I spent a few minutes tonight designing a quilt to use my Thicket fabric with. The blank spots are where the animal squares will be. You'll see...it should be fun to make. I took the picture of my computer screen of the EQ program. I haven't made a black and white quilt in a few years, so this will be interesting!
Coming soon to a sewing machine near ME!
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