Saturday, January 5, 2019

At work on a sunny day

The sun finally came out after weeks of dreary, damp weather, but it didn't tempt me... I was quilting happily in the studio. Mr Wazoo took advantage of the warmer weather to take down the Christmas lights and store them away.
I finished the Quilt of Valor from yesterday, and loaded, quilted and finished the second one, too. We'll send them off on Monday to the quilter in Florida who will finish the binding and labels.

These quilts were perfectly constructed and pretty to boot!

Panto: Starlet

Patriotic all the way! I really think some veteran will love this quilt.

The second quilt had this interesting pattern. One of the perks of quilting for other people is seeing the hundreds of different patterns in a rainbow of colors. 

Panto: Simply Stars

The backing is an explosion of patriotism!
While quilting the QOVs, I worked on the custom job again. I'm making progress, but the tiny bits are fiddly to quilt. That and the thread color changes makes for some s-l-o-w going. Hopefully, it will be done tomorrow.

I can't wait to get this done and show you the entire quilt at once!! It is amazing.
Another comfort quilt on the Millie. I'll finish this tomorrow, too. For now, its pizza and a movie!

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