Monday, March 11, 2019

Day one at retreat

 Wow! We're tired. The day began with muffins and coffee in the room, then we ambled over to the venue where the rest of the committee were busy bees getting things set up and decorated.I set up my classroom and got the demos organized and ready, too. People started arriving  at 2, and dribbled in for the next couple of hours.Demos started at 3 and we were off to the races. Everything went smoothly.We had a lull while things were being set up for the cocktail hour, then took off bang when we came out as the village people and had everyone dancing to YMCA. We followed up with games and cake, then everyone went to their rooms to recover before the classes and sewing tomorrow.
Here are a couple of photos of the venue, the Dillard House Inn.

Where my class and the parties are held.

There is a big horse stable behind the hotel, and the horses were all outside this morning.

The petting farm is behind the stables.

Outside the sliders for each room, there are rockers, which we enjoyed once it stopped raining...

Day is done, and the skies are clearing up
The mountains in the distance have twinkling lights from homes on their sides.
I took this looking back at the venue from my rocker.
Before I left home, I finished up this quilt for the customer's grandson. She didn't want the thread color to interfere with the silhouettes, so I used invisible thread. It turned out nice and she was thrilled.
Here is the finished quilt.
She did the figures from actual photographs of the boy playing sports.
The soccer ball is bouncing off his knee.
Panto: African Samba
Wild green backing, too!

Tomorrow is a busy day, so I had better stop this post and hit the hay. I hope it stops raining and warms up a bit. It is Tee Shirt Day, and I'll be under dressed for cold weather! We'll see.
Good night!

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