Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy New Year!

 It has been a busy and weird week for us here at Wazoo. No progress has been made getting the studio back in order or getting the computer put back on Millie and tested. Needless to say, I am off my game. The kids left the day after Christmas, and I really felt the emptiness in the house. You don't realize how just having the other person sitting there can create a hole when they aren't sitting there. Does that make sense? Does to me!
On Christmas we all piled into cars and drove to Marietta to have Christmas with Mr Wazoo. He was in good spirits and the visit was good old family fun.

Mr W in his light- up- cow ugly Christmas sweater

The gang.

Grandson sure takes after his Dad...
Earlier in the day we had Christmas at home. A quick breakfast, and we were on the road.

Grandson had the most fun. A new train set and some Lego

Remember the Christmas Story movie where Ralphie gets a bunny suit? This reminded me of that scene, when grandson's mom made him put on the outfit of a rainbow unicorn sent by the other grandma. I made the rainbow pillowcase he's holding.
After the trip to Marietta, we stoked the fire pit and told fun stories while making s'mores. Everyone smelled like smoke, but we had a blast.

He was mesmerized by the fire.
The kids enjoyed assembling one of Mr Wazoo's many jigsaw puzzles, too.
On my last visit, Mr W was busy with all his therapies. I should have brought a book to read while waiting. They wouldn't let me go with him and observe, so I stayed in the waiting area with the other visitors. The only action was people in wheel chairs coming and going. The good news is, he will be ready to go home next Friday!! A quick recovery that I chalk up to a burning desire to get outside and in his yard. I'm not sure, but isn't picking up dog poop good therapy?...

This is the view out Mr W's window. I imagine this is where it all began at Kennestone hospital.
I had to take a photo of the bathroom sign. For Heaven's sake! Don't stick your hand in the toilet!!
Mr W is thumbs up after the news that he can go home on Friday!
While walking through the fly-over walkway to the hospital from the parking garage a helicopter came and went. Pretty cool!
The PT and OT gals got a laugh from his shirt.
It will be good to have him home where I can find all sorts of 'therapeutic' things for him to do. ha ha ha

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful news! So happy he is doing better and will be home with you soon!


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