Monday, May 24, 2021

Back in Business! My power cord came.

 Halleluia!! My power cord arrived today and I can get on the computer again. Unless you have had some mishap (like the dog chews your cord) and have to go without being able to get on line, you haven't had fun. Trying to read mail on my phone was a dismal disaster because after a few  posts, my eyes got goofy and wouldn't focus correctly. I now have 197 emails to look at and some I have to answer!

Meanwhile, I have been working diligently on the strawberry quilt and finished the repair!  After a nice laundering, it was packed up and sent to the owner in Georgia.

After I finished all the replaced strawberries, I set into repairing the other 16 blocks. Here is what they look like when I start working.

Ta Da! The finished and washed quilt looks great. I think the customer's daughter will love it.

I hope Grandma is looking down and is also pleased that they had her handwork repaired for many more years of enjoyment.

I repaired a few places with holes, too. This one was in the background of the block.

There were a couple of worn through spots on the binding edge, too.

The corner patch.

 The other corner

A few days ago, I made this lap quilt from a layer cake. It was fun and easy. Forgive me if I have already shown it to mind is foggy.

I made the blocks and tried to sort them into rows without the aid of a design wall. 
I am totally useless without it.

Another look, while re-organizing on the cutting table.

Moving blocks yet again...oh dear!

The finished top. I will leave the three yellow blocks next to each other because of all the unpicking I did while sewing the top together. I accidentally sewed the last row (6 blocks) to the side of the top instead of the bottom. It had 6 blocks in both directions, and I got confused. That's why I like to do the Eleanor Burns Swiss cheese method of chaining the rows together as I sew them. I unpicked the row and attached it upside down. Another unpicking to get it right. It's done!!

I thought you would enjoy the fish tank at the eye doctor's  office. It was very soothing to sit and watch the fish glide around in the huge tank in the wall.

It takes your mind off the fact that there are no magazines, everyone is wearing a mask, and it takes at least a half hour to get to see the doctor.
I tried to get a picture of the tank without the reflection, but couldn't manage it. People probably thought I was crazy anyway.


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