Saturday, June 26, 2021

What a week!

It has been a hard week for me. You all know I have been staying at Nancy's for a bit while waiting for the air conditioning to be fixed. The part came on Tuesday and the air was back on and making me happy I had one more night at Nancy's while the house cooled off, and that's where my woes began. At bedtime, I was trying to get Penny off the couch and off to  bed, but she wouldn't budge. I bent over and picked her up and POP! Something in my lower back popped, followed by intense pain radiating to my hips. We made it to bed, and I gingerly spent the night on my back, unable to turn or move around. I spent the next few days with ice packs and Ibuprofen trying to heal the problem and see a doctor. Dad had a doctor appointment yesterday, so after he was seen, I asked the doctor if he could help me. He is a wonderful guy, and saw me without an appointment, and I had numerous X-rays done. They will call with the appointment for a CT scan. At least I found someone who would take me on. I had already called several doctor's offices, and nobody could see me. They all said to go to the ER. Long story short...I am still in pain, awaiting news of the X-rays and the CT appointment.

I was able to get the blocks trimmed and sewn into fours. They are on the design wall at Nancy's.

Blocks and trimmings. I forgot to take the design wall photo!

I also finished the repair of a neighbor's backpack. 
A nice perk? Lunch at Olive Garden wit5h the owner!

Penny and I have spent time at the dog park, frolicking and burning off some of her puppy energy. I spied this fellow while we were there.

I don't know what kind of lizard this is. We didn't have them like this in Florida or Ge3orgia

He posed nicely for his close-up.

Penny finally got her hair cut on Wednesday. I opted for short on the body with a fluffy head and brushy tail. She knows she is styling'!

Here is Penny before the makeover

And, here she is with her new do.
Stylish and cool.

I was also able to catch one of the whistling ducks on the roof across the road. The bright salmon colored bill and feet are what distinguishes them from other similar ducks.

Too bad I wasn't closer.

Meanwhile...I can't leave Mr Wazoo alone for a minute. He found a place where the guy makes metal into sculptural things. Mr W seems pleased with his find; a helicopter. He has it staged  on the area where we usually keep the charcoal grill.

I hope to get back to sewing. It is the one constant thing that makes all this feel more normal. Until then, Penny took this selfie for you. Keep sewing and quilting!


  1. Might be a Southern Prarie Lizard. Debi Warner

  2. I have similar back problems that come and go. I hope you will heal quickly. Penny is so cute.


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