Saturday, August 21, 2021

A little happy sewing

 Thursday evening guild was fun and friendly. It was good to see the members, but I did feel uneasy in a group with the variant out there looking for victims. I do not want to be a Covid patient! Some of us wore masks throughout the meeting while quite a few didn't. there was a nice program on how to make flanged binding, and a swell show and tell.

During the day, Millie froze on a screen and I put in the call to Grace company. The tech guy called just when I pulled in the lot for guild. He suggested I download and install any updates to the tablet's software. It took 4 1/2 hours on Friday to do that, but it seems to run fine now. I finished the little charity quilt I was working on and all was well.

I made some charity quilts during my time in Texas, and this is the first one I attempted to quilt with my back problem. It too longer than usual and I had to be careful with my body mechanics, but I got it done!

I decided to start easy and used an all over stipple pattern.

The back is a yellow stripe, and the binding is the red dot I used in the quilt.

While the machine did its work, I cut out the pieces for my next project, then loaded another small quilt when the first one finished. That was too much. The back pain was incredible and took all evening and into the night's sleep to abate. It is disheartening to realize how injured I really am. I'm being patient and waiting for my appointment, but I'm worried Covid will throw a monkey wrench in that, too.
I started late today, but was able to finish the second quilt. Tomorrow I'll begin sewing blocks.

I'm not usually a fan of purple, but I like the combination of purple and teal. Someone will love it and get comfort from it. That makes me happy.

The quilting pattern is an easy hook and loop design.

The binding is done and it is ready to go to a nursing home resident.
That's it for today. I don't mind slowing down and trying to recover my strength and get my back fixed!
In the garden, things are growing, but showing signs of Autumn coming.  Here is a canna that opened today 

And with this, my day is done. I'll take a nap while it rains and be ready  for whatever comes next!
See you later!!

1 comment:

  1. Both the quilts look great, the first one has a very Chrismassy feel to it and the second one looks kinda hits too much on the eyes. Great word done even with your back issues.


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