Thursday, August 5, 2021

One day at a time

 On Tuesday I attended the first longarm quilting group from my day guild. I think we were 9 quilters, but I may have forgotten someone. Sarah did a wonderful job keeping things moving, and everyone seemed excited to come again next month. 

Because I am not actively quilting, I feel funny posting on the blog. I hung up the 12 tops I made in Texas, put away all the supplies and kits, and uncovered and tuned up the Millie. Then, I had to go sit down. This back thing has really put a kink in my activities.

Penny and I sit out on the porch while I sip my morning coffee and enjoy the coolness of our lush green landscape. Here are a few pictures I took on a trip around the yard.

Home sweet home. Mr Wazoo has made a beautiful place to come home to.

Most of the flowering plants are spent and the greenery has taken the stage

My favorite shrub is the blue-green one in the front.

In the side garden, the hydrangea are exploding with huge clusters of snowy blooms.

The blooms are as big as my head!

In the back yard, the gnome watches over the bird condos and the rock slope.

The 'Christmas tree' trellis Mr W built has finally got a vine growing on it. We have to be patient and it will eventually be covered with greenery and flowers.

I'm sorry, Texas, but this is wonderful.

Tomorrow I am taking a road trip with my two quilting buddies. I expect to enjoy their company and the countryside more than buy more fabric. We will visit a couple of shops and have some lunch before coming home. 
I loaded a small customer project that came in while I was away, (two 20 x 22" arm covers for the customer's husband's chair) and have the quilting half done. The machine is fine, but the computer is still my nemesis, causing trouble with each row. I'm ready to sell it, and will research the best way to do it while I'm laid up. Good-bye Millie. 
I am taking stock of what I want to be doing, and weighing the possibilities when it comes to longarm quilting. I will always make quilts, but may close up shop on customer quilts. We'll see.

For now, I'm going to the shops!!

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