Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Just when I thought it was almost over...

 Saturday was my last physical therapy appointment, and I told her I had some pain that I thought was because I had sewn all day. We brushed it off and had a nice conversation before wishing each other Happy Thanksgiving and parting ways. That evening, the pain began increasing in my pelvis and radiating to my left thigh. Mr Wazoo went off to bed at 9:00, and I followed at 11:00 because my leg really hurt and I thought the 'magic bed' would fix it. No dice. I got up at 2:00 and took some Tylenol but the pain was so excruciating, I thought about wakening Mr. W and going to the emergency room. I waited until he woke up at 5:30 and told him what was going on. He got dressed and planned to go at any time I was ready. At 8:30 I tried to get an appointment with my GP, but the office was slammed with appointments. I called my surgeon in Gainsville and the PA knew exactly what it was from my description and assured me I would be okay. He phoned in a prescription for Neurontin and Mr. W went to get it ASAP.

After one dose, I had relief. My thigh and knee were no longer experiencing the massive pain, and it was tolerable to sit quietly. I have Lumbar radiculopathy, an impingement of the nerve where it exits the vertebrae, causing pain to the affected limb on the side of the impingement. It will take  one to six weeks to resolve. Meanwhile, the side effects are annoying. I see double every once in a while, feel like my brain is foggy and I'm a bit dizzy. I did manage to make some of the side dishes and pies for tomorrow's feast and will still cook for and entertain my friends. Without pain! Yippee.

Here is the quilt I am working on. Another Stars over Minocqua pattern using a Christmas layer cake.

The blocks are done, and I will sew them together on Friday, if I feel up to it.

A full day was lost dealing with the complication of my back surgery, and I am again reminded that I am only 12 days post-op and need to take it easier. At least I have the Macy's parade to look forward to! I love the balloons...
My Grandson wrote his first story for his kindergarten class. I got a kick out of it because he is showing the same dark humor both my son and I have. 

I see the pencil.
The pencil sees me.
I fell on the pencil.
That guy said "Ouch!"
But I was okay. Hhhhh!  
I can't explain it, but it made me laugh out loud.

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