Thursday, April 20, 2023

Busy week at Wazoo

Another week in the books and some quilting to share. We took Monday off to make a trip to Gainesville to stock up on groceries from Sam's Club. We get most of our meat, poultry and fish there because it is so much better than the local grocery store. Frozen stuff, canned baked beans, peaches and cases of mushrooms fill the cart, too. We got our vitamins, toothpaste, body wash and shampoo as well as Mr Wazoo's favorite deluxe mixed nuts.It was a nice trip but my feet and legs don't like walking for hours on a concrete floor.

Tonight was the evening guild. What a great group! I really enjoyed the program of what to do with your 60 degree ruler. The two ladies who did the program had some lovely quilts to show us, as well as a brief demonstration of how kaleidoscope quilts are made. Show and tell was awesome, too. I'm happy to be home and am looking forward to hitting the hay and going to dreamland. I'm tired!

Here is the week's work from the studio.

My sister made another calm and sweet quilt. The Parisian fabrics are soft and pretty. 

Panto: Frolic

The backing is a nice floral shabby-chic fabric.

Studio in full swing. I took this on the way out the door to get some lunch. There is a beautiful custom quilt on Big Gammill getting it's ditches stitched. You'll see the quilt on the Handi Quilter in a bit. It is finished. The blocks on the design wall are also sewn, quilted, bound and given to the guild outreach group.

This flag quilt is a gift for a veteran who is a painter that did loads of work for the customer. It is to thank him for the great job he did painting at her house.

The panto is stars and swirls in gold thread.

A peek at the back.

This customer made this to be a decoration on her dining room table when not in use. The colors are exciting and bright.

Panto: Keepsake

Super backing, too!

I want to start a new project, so I finally sewed up the quilt blocks from the design wall and finished the quilt.

I freehand meandered over the quilt

Backing is from the sale room at the Hayesville shop.

The machine is behaving better but I still had some freezes and  motor errors. They really slow the momentum with the quilting. Is frustrating and slow.

That's it for now.I donated four quilts to the guild tonight that will go to needy. homes.I donate most of what I make because I can't justify having over 100 quilts in the house! I figure with the size of my stash, I could make another 100 quilts! I'm going to try!


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