Monday, December 21, 2020

On the seventh day of Christmas...

 We were busy elves inside and outside! I finally got to work in the studio and finished the 21 gray and white placemats. I will get the 12 white on white ones done tomorrow.

Here is where I started my day. All 32 mats ready for binding.

Work underway sewing the bindings on. After doing a few completely, I figured it would go faster if I sewed on the binding to all the mats and then sewed all the bindings down. I was right!

A few hours later, I had the 21 gray and white ones completed!

I made the white binding and will do the same to these tomorrow.

The quilt I finished yesterday was trimmed and had it's pictures taken so I could get on with the next project.

Simple half square triangles make a bold statement when done in jewel tones and framed in black.

Panto: African Samba

Bright orange backing is the finishing touch to a sizzling quilt.

Next in the queue was this scrappy foundation pieced strip quilt. The blocks are orderly with the fabric placement, but a couple of them have gone rogue to give the quilt some sparkle.

The bright green sashing and borders were the inspiration for my thread choice for the quilting.

Panto: Splat, in bright green thread!

The backing is from Connecting Threads. If you haven't tried any, their fabrics are quite soft and yet sturdy. For the price, you can't beat them for backs or any quilting project.

Outside, Mr Wazoo supervised the installation of our new fencing in the back yard. We wanted a place for Penny to be able to run and play off leash. Because of the slope and rock garden retaining wall, we only had to have two spans of fencing put in. The house makes the fourth side of the enclosure.

We can't try the gates until tomorrow, after the concrete sets fully.
Penny is taking a close look at her new play area.

There is a five foot wide gate at both ends so Mr W can get his tractor through.
The strip of dirt about two thirds of the way down is where the new electric cable is buried for Mr W's new garden lighting. 

It may not be a huge space, but it is good enough for a little dog to have some fun in.

The first quilt for tomorrow is loaded and ready for Millie. One short trot outside with Penny and I'm off to bed.

I'm getting a little nervous about the main gift I ordered for Mr Wazoo. Only three days left and it still hasn't come!! The surprise has some assembly required, and I wanted to get it put together and in its place to surprise the man. Fingers crossed it arrives  soon. Until then...

Seven swans a swimming...
six geese a laying, five golden rings. Four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves
and a partridge in a pear tree!

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