Friday, April 16, 2021

Getting ready

 What a beautiful day it is today! Mr Wazoo has every right to be proud of his gardens and yard, and I can see why he is so worried about leaving them for such a long time. He will certainly have a load of work to do when we get back from Texas, but today, everything is perfect.

Some of the iris opened up this morning, and there are many more still sleeping. 

The little lilac bushes he planted are loaded with buds and should be in bloom in a few days. I wish we would be here to see, and smell, them.

Looking across the front of the house, the grass is coming up green and pretty and the pots of flowers are bursting with color.

The red bushes, jasmine and pansies make a sweet picture at the end of the porch.

Wow! Look at all the new growth on this evergreen shrub! It is one of my favorites with it's blue color.

Things are blooming in the rock garden. Penny is enamored with the bees and butterflies.

The native flame azalea is blooming, too!

Pretty nice curb appeal!

In the studio, I packed up all the kits I made and cleaned up the cutting table. The Bernina has a beach towel keeping the dust off her, and the longarms look ghostly. Everything is staged in the garage for loading on Sunday. I went to Walmart, (what a zoo! I hate going there...all the maskless people and only three cashiers open for the lot of us) also the bank and the grocery store for the stuff we needed for the trip; then came home to continue to stage stuff for the car. Tomorrow, I get a haircut and bake some cookies for snacking along the way.

A sheet and a shower curtain will keep the longarms tidy while I'm away.
Goodnight, ladies.

Yessir, yessir, three bags full...of kits! These should keep me busy for a while.

I made a huge mess cutting and packaging all those kits.

I'd much rather come back to this than the other mess!
I think I'm right on schedule with preparations.

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