Friday, November 12, 2021

Anesthesia makes me stupid

On Wednesday I made a quick charity quilt top to pass my time. I got the fabric at the Quilt n' Kaboodle shop in Cleveland the day before.  I now have three guinea pigs for my new machine when it comes.
                                           A vehicle themed quilt for a man

Here is what the fabrics look like.The backing is a plaid in these colors.

My surgery  became an all day affair when the doctor came and told me he had to put me off to work an emergent surgery. Poor old Mr Wazoo spent hours in uncomfortable chairs, waiting for something to happen! I dozed off from 7:30 until 11:15  in the pre-op area, comfortable on my stretcher. Anyway, the surgery went fine and I was in recovery by noon. The pre-op area is in the same room as the recovery area, and the room was about the size of a football field! I am quite impressed with the hospital and staff. We were able to leave about 3 :30. 

At home, I tried to answer all the texts from well-wishers, but I fear what I wrote was gibberish! The drugs I had both during and after the surgery made me pretty stupid. I don't remember the ride home, but Mr W told me I kept up a string of nonsensable chatter. Oops!

Penny was a good girl while we were gone, and wouldn't leave me while I rested in my chair. 

I don't know if she slept while we were gone, but she stayed here until I had to get up and russell up something for supper.

I won't be sewing today. My post- op pain ia bothering me, so I think I'll take a nap!

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow I visited the Quilt n Kaboodle quilt shop in Cleveland on Monday! We were passing through the area and was so delighted with the shop. It is so large and has very beautiful fabric. Glad you surgery went well.


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