Thursday, February 3, 2022

It's a slow recovery, but I'll get there

 Another week down the drain, making some progress on the quilting as well as the back pain. I promised I would post the pictures of the finished repair quilt, so here it is.

All done! Washed and ready to go home.

I used a Baptist fan pantograph.

The backing is a light tan muslin

I started in on the block of the month (especially since I am now supposed to be doing month two!) and got the berries machine sewn. I am working on the rest of the block while relaxing, doing hand appliqué on that.

It took forever to do those tiny berries.

Meanwhile, up in there frozen tundra, my grandson and his dad made a Totoro snowman. The kid is obsessed with the anime, My Friend Totoro, so they went nuts building him in the good packing snow.
I sure miss seeing them and also wish I could join in the snowman fun!


I went to my first PT this week, and will be there twice a week for the next 6 weeks. I have exercises to do to strengthen my core and legs to make getting up and down and going about my daily chores with more support to my back. Next week, I go back to Gainsville for a  deep nerve block in my back. Oh joy...
The pain is still raging, but I am back to work and quilting. I am doing it slower, but getting something done.

This is the first of many customer quilts I have on the rack to be done. I love a bright quilt, so this was a joy to work on.

Pantograph: Arabesque

The backing is also cheerful and bright.

Well, I have to turn in. My magic bed is calling my tired back to come and get comfy. Before I do, I have to warn you about the new `Covid variant, Catrona. It is sneaky and extremely contagious. Please be careful, and I'll see you on the flip side!

The Catrona virus


  1. The Catrona virus is hilarious. Did you make those bonnets? So funny. And I loved the quilt--you really did magic on it with that perfect Baptist fan. I'm also a fan of Totoro, so I chuckled at the snowman--what talent! Hope your back is feeling all better soon. :) Elizabeth

  2. I got the carton picture in an email and sent it to all my cat loving friends. My daughter in law is Japanese and they have introduced Dechen to all things Japan. He especially loves Totoro!


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