Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Back-ordered part...More sewing

It is really quiet in the studio with me dead in the water for longarm quilting. The part is back ordered and will not be available until July 7th. Then, they have to mail it and my dealer has to come install it. Sigh...

I have filled my time tidying up the studio and pulling out stuff for the guild yard sale this month. I am finding stuff that I forgot I had. Orphan blocks, some dull fabrics and kits I bought. Every day I have sewn something. I'm getting quite a line of tops to be quilted on my rack. Here is what I have been up to.

Not very pretty, but used up 3 yards of fabric! The green and brown fabrics are left over from the Wisconsin quilt. The acorn fabric was languishing in my stash. The basket weave fabric is one of my favorites and compleats the look.

Here's a look at the fabrics.

This is from a 10 inch squares bundle. The fabrics were a booger to work with because they are all loose weave. I did a whole lot of trimming. In the end, I like the quilt, but will not make one from this type fabric any time soon.

I found 12 orphan blocks in a bag from a project I made years ago. Put together, they were too small for a kid's quilt, but with a nice border they look fine and the size is good.

Another 10 inch squares quilt. This one was an autumnal mix and made a pretty quilt. The border is from my stash.

This is the block; two half square triangles and two squares. Easy-peasy!

Yesterday, I put this one together. There were a lot of tiny bits to cut out to make the bear's face and the birch tree bark, but worth it in the end. I need to add the leaves to the branch and two borders to finish it off. I like this! It may hang in my guest bathroom when I get it quilted.

Mr W has been busy in the yard, tweaking his garden plans and dead-heading flowering plants. Yard work keeps him happy, and gives me some alone time for sewing. It works out fine for both of us.

A dew covered spider web in the morning sun.

My porch pots are thriving.

I like the color combination in these wave petunias.

The day Lillies are putting on a show.

The juxtaposition of the Japanese maple and the hosta is wonderful.

Green variegated costa and blue leaf hosta are pretty together.

One of the allamanda flowers snuck out the back of the trellis.

Bee balm for the bees and hummingbirds.

A lone kadydid looks lost on the sidewalk.

I'll leave you with the newest member of our backyard menagerie. A one day old fawn and her mother enjoying a stroll in there back yard.

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