Friday, August 12, 2022

Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold.

 I learned that song in the Girl Scouts. We sang it as a round, sitting around a campfire. Make new friends but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold. A circle is round, it has no end. That's how long I'll be your friend. I felt this today when an old friend called to say hello and thank me for the Wisconsin quilt. We were Girl Scouts together and are still friends these many years later. I think about her often, so it was good to hear her voice. Just knowing the quilt is in Wisconsin with her makes me happy!

This quilt is home where it belongs; in Wisconsin!

Back in the studio, The customer came and picked up his grandma's crazy quilt, and he was thrilled with it. A couple of days later, I got a call from his sister who also has one of Grannie's tops and wants hers to look as marvelous as her brother's. She is posting it to me next week. I wonder how many are out there?...

Gone home!

I also finished the queen sized tee shirt quilt. I managed to squeeze all the shirts on the front! 

I chose lime green for the binding to keep the color going clear to the edge.

There are a lot of shirts to look at in this one!

Panto: Rounded Squares

Swirly turquoise backing.

The last of the charity quilts has been quilted, and I'm now doing the buttonhole stitching on the bunny blocks. I have four more to do before I sew it all together.

I quilted and bound this lovely shadow quilt.

Pant: Watercolor flowers

The backing is the same as the binding. All ready for a nursing home resident.

I talk with my grandson a few times a week, and his latest excitement is the pace at which he is losing teeth. He is becoming a well funded boy!

Happily showing off the latest hole and the newest tooth poking through.

My son finds these little secret places for the family to go and cool off. 
Doesn't this look refreshing?

At my house, the temperatures have been cool in the mornings and warm in the afternoons. No scorching heat wave here. We have had a huge amount of rain this summer, so everything is full and lush. The deer come every day. The babies are growing and getting more inquisitive. This fawn came right out onto the driveway to give me a look. Then she scampered into the deep darkness of the woods. 

Mama is never far away. I suspect she was eyeing me, too.

Deer and skunks and bears...oh my! In the summer it is so dark in there, I don't venture in often.
At night, it is even scarier! Penny and I don't stray far from the sphere of light from the yard light.

My pots like the rain and sun, for sure!

Poor Penny got a close shave at the groomer. She probably jerked when her nose ws being buzzed with the trimmer. Silly girl. Thankfully, it grows back. She and I sit in the screen porch and have the morning coffee every day. It is so peaceful then. We watch the hummingbirds fight over the feeder, the deer pass through as if we weren't there, and squirrels and bunnies scampering through the crunchy leaves on the forest floor. What more could I ask for? Quilting!! Of course!

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