Monday, May 27, 2024

Quilting and unsettled weather

 We never know if it is going to be hot, cold, pouring rain or ripe for tornadoes! This Spring has been a doozy, keeping us guessing what tomorrow will bring. People in Texas, Oklahoma and Iowa have been really hard hit, with deaths reported. I hope it settles down soon.

In the studio, I have been alternating longarm quilting and repairing customer quilts. I have finished up the quilts for the Woodstock girls, who will be here later in June.

This quilt is so pretty!! I love the fabrics and the pattern, too.

I used a delicate feathers and swirls panto.

The backing shows the texture of the quilting.

All those flying geese!! Wonderful. The selection of different teal fabrics is fun and interesting.

I used the panto Splat because it has graceful curves and flower motifs that echo the ones in the fabric.

Another well chosen backing fabric.

Wow! This simple pattern is perfect for the large scale print.

The customer requested a panto with circles.

Ooh la la! The backing is exciting, as well.

Both girls made one of these Tula samplers. This customer wanted Baptist Fan for the quilting.

So, I quilted Baptist Fan!

Lovely Tula backing.

All week, while listening to TV, I repaired this quilt. I'm sorry I didn't take 'before' photos, but it was in rough shape.I mended some open seams and replaced 12 blade shapes and a couple of the pink sashes.

Please excuse the horrible picture. I quickly snapped it at 1:30 AM before going to bed. The next day I washed it and it is now ready to go home.

I worked on  the repair of the second quilt for the same customer today, making some of the needed patches. All the solid blue patches were replaced yesterday. It will probably take a week or so to finish. It is a heavy quilt, with thick, lumpy batting. Really tough to sew through. 

My process is to go over the quilt and mark places that need sewing or new patches with safety pins. I do open seams and big holes first before starting the patching. I like to do one fabric at a time. I trace the patch shape on freezer paper, add seam allowance and cut them out, using the same pin to attach it where it fits. In the evening, I do the hand sewing to get the patches sewn on and re-quilted.

Where there are pins without a patch, I have yet to make the pattern and cut fabric pieces. It's slow, but it works for me.
Look closely and you'll see pieces with just the safety pins, and a couple with the paper on.

Meanwhile, I quilted this sewing themed wall quilt for another customer.
I'll take better pictures tomorrow. I was tired and still had to get dinner going when I finished the quilting.

Outside, Mr Wazoo has been dodging rain showers to keep the yard and gardens tidy. Everything has been waterlogged, but is still pretty.

I think these are coral bells, but don't hold me to that...

Daisies floating with the breeze.

The Stella d'Oro have begun to bloom. I love the deep cheddar color! I think the purple stuff is Russian sage, but again, I'm not sure. That's why I'm not the gardener!

Roses and clematis on a trellis that hides the propane tank.

Eye popping fuchsia petunias.

Penny is always pooped after her ball chasing exercise with Mr W.

How she can sleep in that position is a mystery.
Such a good girl!

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