Saturday, January 25, 2020

Vintage quilts and teddy bears

It has been a prosperous week here any Wazoo, and we are slowly getting the pace established for work. A few times a week, Mr W and I take a walk outside and enjoy nature and each other's company. He is getting stronger every day. Monday starts some PT and OT to fine tune his recovery.
Meanwhile, in the studio I have been quilting and sewing. A customer brought a vintage quilt for repair, and another she wants made into two baby quilts. The second one didn't have batting, just a thin layer of flannel. The maker didn't finish the quilt, and two edges were neither quilted nor finished. I cut the quilt into as big pieces as I could, found appropriate backings, and put in a layer of thin Quilters Dream batting. All quilted up and bound! They are really nice.
Two baby quilts!

Back number one.

Back number two. Both are quilted with a big meander since parts of them were already echo quilted by hand around the hexes. I added off white binding and they are done!
There was a big piece of the quilt left over, so I cut out a bear that will be a surprise for the owner. She saw the bear I did last week and thought it was really cool. I'm almost done with it, and will show it to you once he has his face on!

Here he is, sewn together, unstuffed and without a face.
I also did a giant customer quilt this week. I mean GIANT!! It took two days to quilt, but turned out lovely.

I can't imagine how difficult it must have been to shove all of this through the sewing machine when putting it together! It is planned but scrappy, and quite beautiful.

I couldn't fit it all in straight on! I couldn't get far enough away from the machine to take the picture...

Panto: Adore

Mottled blue backing.
While Millie chugged along, I finished my two orphan quilts. I used up quite a few 2-3-2 blocks in these, One is twin sized, the other a generous lap size.

This is the bigger quilt. It used 120 blocks.

I did a meander on both quilts.

The backing was a freebie from a customer's stash after she died. Her husband gave me quite a bit of fabric in exchange for finishing a couple of her quilts.

The smaller one used up another 80 blocks! Not bad. I set free 200 orphans blocks and made two useful quilts.

The backing was cobbled together from leftover pieces from another quilt's backing.

I bound both of them with a colorful striped fabric.

Al done!
We got up early and drove to Chattanooga to leave Big Bernina at the shop for cleaning and repair. She started making a ping-ping-ping noise every time I started sewing, and then the presser foot would shudder 10 seconds after stopping. sigh... The repair guy says it may take a while to get the parts, so I set up my Pfaff to sew with. Its light burned out. Rats!
When I got home, I finished the bear, and had enough leftover bits of the quilt to sew together and be able to cut out another bear! I think I will sew that tomorrow, as well as start the custom quilt I didn't get to today.

I hand stitched the nose and mouth with Pearle cotton.

The eyes are black fabric circles appliquéd on by hand.

I think he's pretty cute!

Here's the back.

I cut a wide strip of 30s reproduction fabric with pinking shears to make a nice bow.
Teddy is ready!

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