Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Goofing off...yet again!

 I have been in the studio these days, but do more goofing off than serious work. Mr Wazoo has been able to go outside and play in the yard, so I have been doing my own thing in the studio and loving it.
I get some work done to ease my conscience, but most of my time is spent sewing.

My sewing station is a cacophony of color with all the strips of scraps at my finger tips. I have been making string blocks for a spider web quilt. My friend Audrey did a demo at guild and I wanted to make one. Now is the time!

Kay and Henry came by yesterday to get a couple of masks for their friends. Henry made his mask, and I think it will surprise the grocery store checker! He painted the face on it.

I finished the quilting on the orphan block quilt, and added the bright green binding.  The hand sewing is now done, too.

I used one of my favorite texture patterns: Woven Wind.

I have been hoarding this beautiful fabric for a long time. At one time, I thought I would make a stack and whack with it, but it didn't happen. It makes a nice back, don't you think?

I made and applied the plaid binding to the giant flannel quilt. I started the hand sewing last night, and will finish it tonight.

Block parts in progress. They are a bit tedious to make...lots of trips to the ironing board for pressing.

As I made them, I put them on the design wall to keep my mojo going.

Three days in, and this was the result. Very slow going. 

The iris made city through the big storm the other night, and are putting on quite a show.

Mr W's Japanese maple is getting filled out with these delicate leaves.

Lily of the valley blooming it's tiny white bells. My mother had a large patch of these next to the house when I was a kid. I have always loved their scent and the tiny white flowers.

Yesterday was a beautiful day in the mountains. The sun was out and the temperature was perfect for having the door open in the studio.

Another batch of blooms opened on the irises.

I did this customer quilt yesterday, too. The customer made it for her priest-brother as a gift.
I think it turned out really pretty.

Panto: Dazzle

This is the backing.
I also sewed like a crazy person, making spider web blocks for the design wall.

I worked hard on the blocks and got quite a few done. This is what they look like before trimming.
Here are some, all trimmed and ready to be made into blocks.
Audrey says to keep the trimmings for those pesky, small corners. I have a big bowl  of them by the machine now.
I finished all these pieces, and hope to get them sewed together today!
I can't explain why the strip bins look just as full as they did when I started...I have enough strips to last me forever!! See the bowl of corner pieces next to the machine? I have  hundreds of them, too!!

I'm off to the studio to start my day. I need to make some more masks for the guild and for my neighbors. I'll be happy when I don't need to do that kind of sewing anymore. Stay home!! Stay safe and keep quilting!

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