Saturday, October 10, 2020

Strange first day of quarantine

 It is past my bedtime and I feel weird. I'll be sleeping in the guest room for the next five nights without Mr Wazoo or Miss Molly. I don't know how it will go, but I think it will be a little sad. I need to go to bed...I'm pooped!!

After my early morning Covid nose probe, I worked in the studio my regular hours of 10:00 to 6:00, but didn't see anyone. I did some sewing and some quilting, and even had a couple of nice phone conversations. Mr W stuck his head in every so often to say hi, but dutifully wore his mask. It was a nice day.

I finished the quilting on the appliqué quilt from yesterday. Isn't it beautiful?

Panto: Keepsake daisies

I bravely used a very light lavender thread, and I'm glad it turned out to be the right choice. It's hard to see, but the background fabric is a pale, mottled pink and light lavender.

Plain white back to showcase the pattern.

I trimmed up all the blocks for the dots quilt, and started the sashing sewing. (you're saying that again in your head, aren't you? sashing sewing...)

Here they are, all sewn together. I love the happy vibe of these fabrics!

My second quilt of the day was this pretty blue and yellow quilt from a new quilter. She really did a good job keeping her seams a quarter inch, so the quilt laid flat for quilting.

Panto: Alfresco, with a medium blue thread.

She will be happy with the results, I'm sure.

The inner border is now on, and I spent a while messing with the leftover bits from the blocks to figure out what to do for the border. I have an idea, so we'll see how it flies tomorrow.

On the way upstairs, I shot the flower pots on the porch outside the studio. Everyone got the memo and bloomed at the same time! Wonderful!

Not to be out done, the back porch display is just as full and pretty!
Oh Lordy, I am tired! Good night until tomorrow and more adventures.

Oh my! This is a bit risqué, but it is sure funny. Thanks, dear sister, for the laugh.


  1. You are always good for a laugh! The Lavender Masterquilter thread from Wonderfil is always a great choice for adding a touch of something without screaming purple. Also their Sage is a magnificent color on fabric. I was shown these at a quilt show by Teri Cherne- quilter extraordinaire. I tried it and I liked it. Too bad about the whole quarantine thing.

  2. I'll have to give the master quilter thread a try. Thanks!


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