Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Monday, Monday...

Not really a fun-day, but a work day. I have been continuing with the stitch in the ditch on the black and white custom quilt, as well as doing customer pantos as fast as I can.

When I finished the block border stitching and the quilt was stabilized, I started at the bottom and am working my way up the quilt, doing the border SID and each block.

This sailboat quilt is a gift for a little grandson of my customer, and she needed it ASAP before leaving town to see him. It didn't take long to do, so I quilted it and had it ready by lunchtime.

The quilt is really cute, with it's topsy-turvy boats and the fish swimming underneath them.

Panto: Ebb and Flow in light turquoise thread.

The back is pieced from the fabrics on the front.

The next customer has two Christmas quilts and a Halloween quilt. I am debating whether to wait on the Halloween one until all the Christmas orders are finished.

This pattern is easy and looks like it would be fun to make. I took a picture and will work out how to make it when I have a few minutes to myself. I think it is really pretty!

Snowy backing

Snow Fall panto on the black Grunge fabric, using Christmas red thread.

The second Christmas quilt is loaded and about half quilted. The computer program crashed and I can't get it to go to the next row. I have tried al my usual tricks without success. I left it and quit for the day. I will tackle it today when I get home from delivering quilts to Family Connection in Blue Ridge. I have a giant box of donation quilts, finished since Covid precautions began. Mr Wazoo will be glad to get them out of the house!

I finished the hand sewing on my daughter's Christmas present, and laid it out on our bed to take a look. I wish the colors would come out right, but the lighting in the room is dismal. Oh well, its done!


  1. have a cousin living in Blue Ridge, made her a quilt a few years ago

    1. You wouldn't recognize Blue Ridge today. I went there and my heart sank to see two giant multi storied buildings on the Main Street. They tore down some smaller houses that were converted into businesses, and the church the guild used to meet in. I thought the change was very sad. One of the structures is a parking garage with businesses on the main level.Blue Ridge lis not a quaint mountain village anymore.


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