Sunday, February 14, 2021

Valentine's Day fun


I woke up to a single coral colored rose and a giant lemon poppyseed muffin! Happy Valentine's Day to me. Mr Wazoo knows they are my favorite, and he didn't forget. 

Work started at noon. Mr W was in the studio with me and Penny for quite a while adding up the 2020 figures for my business. It's my job to do the taxes and his to get the numbers in order for me. I sewed tee shirt quilt number five while Millie behaved herself and quilted today's mammoth quilt.

This beautiful quilt made my day. It is perfectly sewn, flat, square and stay stitched all around the edges. 
Even Penny had to take a look!

Even a giant quilt can be sewn perfectly if you pay attention to the quarter inch seam and press, press, press! Plus, it's a scrap quilt! Love the look of the entire project. I am certainly not this precise...

Panto: Branching Out. I timed a row of the quilting pattern; half an hour for each row! Oh well, it was Sunday, the quilt was lovely, and I had the music on. Wonderful.

The backing fabric was big enough, the selveges cut off, the seams obviously pinned before sewing so they stayed flat and ended up the same length, and was also an attractive addition to the top. I have to say, it was a joy to quilt. Thank you, Grace!

Here is the flimsy of number five tee shirt quilt. I also cut the backings for six of the seven quilts left to finish. I ran out of backing fabric...Rats! Later, I got on the computer and ordered enough for the last quilt from Connecting Threads. It will be here before I ever get to that quilt.

I have customers coming tomorrow, and a lot of work to do. Saturday, I took in another seven quilts. My brother and I are splitting Summer duty with my Dad in Texas while my sister and her husband get a much needed respite of a summer in Wisconsin. I have been trying to organize a list of projects to take with me since I won't be able to quilt there. I'll do some sewing and some repair. (there are always repairs!) and may even read something fun!! Everything else is still in the planning phase, except the dates. 
Tuesday, Penny gets spayed. That's not going to be a good day. Wednesday, I get my second vaccine. The rest of the week should be more of the same as  all other covid weeks. We have found that we have settled into a pattern of behaviors, like a choreographed dance of boring tasks repeated over and over. I bet you all feel the same. Good thing we have a calendar to remind us  what day it is and what appointments we have. All the days seem to run together. I'm hoping if enough people get vaccinated, we will see the light at the end of the tunnel. Get your shot!!!


1 comment:

  1. Just got my second COVID-19 shot! Piece of cake! So happy I got it over with.


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