Thursday, April 7, 2022

Slow progress

 I struggled half the day away trying to import a pattern into my Pro Stitcher. The big fat manual doesn't have one word about how to accomplish this task, and there are no videos on you tube, either!! I'm shocked. I finally chose to download it onto a new thumb drive, and look for it when I opened the program. Once I did this, I was underway and half the day was gone. The quilt is still on the machine, waiting for me to finish it today. Sigh...

I quilted a panel quilt for the same customer on Tuesday, applied the sleeve and binding and did the hand sewing. 23 days left and I won't have to do this for customers again. There is so much more to quilting than just making pretty tops. I enjoy every step of the process and can't understand why other quilters don't feel the same. Sure, I understand not quilting projects too big to maneuver under the needle of a domestic machine, but a small panel should be a wonderful learning project for any quilter. Anyhoo, it's finished.

This panel of the Ten Commandments will be a nice addition to the Sunday school room of my customer.

Panto: Rounded diamonds

Sleeve and binding done.

I also worked on the custom quilting job, and am down to the last border! More on that later. No pictures, I'm afraid. 
We ventured out in the afternoon to get our Covid boosters. Today, my shoulder aches and I'm feeling blah. I am happy to be well protected since there is a rise in cases of the new variant. Most people don't seem to be bothered by the prospect of contracting a deadly disease; we spied only four other shoppers wearing masks. I'm fine with staying home and quilting!
Outside, the phlox is putting on the usual Spring display in the back garden. even the torrential rain and high winds didn't discourage these hardy little plants! The garden is such  happy place...bursting with new life, promising beauty in the days to come.

Pretty mounds of lavender flowers.

We took in the bird feeders yesterday, too, after bears bent the stands and tore up one feeder. The bears are awake, and the deer are plentiful and hungry. We had a batch in the garden yesterday and saw another dozen in the fields while driving to town. A pair of Eastern Phoebes have moved into the yellow birdhouse. We'll have to see if they stay there because they usually nest on top of the yard lights. Spring is around the corner!

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