Saturday, June 29, 2019


Hey, It's Friday!! Mr W worked outside all day, mulching stuff and putting in a gravel path to better access the top of the back garden.

He pulled out tons of weeds and rocks to make the berm by the bird feeder look better.

He says eventually there will be shrubs in the mulched area.

The gravel path.
I worked in the studio, multi-tasking three things at once. I loaded and quilted a big customer quilt on Millie, continued the stitch in the ditch on the applique quilt (until my feet hurt and I had to switch tasks), and sewed the remaining tie blocks. I have begun sewing the quilt top together and hope to have it ready for quilting tomorrow.

Another king sized quilt! I do like the color combination.
It is for a wedding present.

The customer requested Quilter's Dream cotton, so the definition is not the best.
Panto: Stacked Snailz

The back is pieced with more fabrics from the top.

This row is done and there are two more to go before the decorative quilting starts. Going around all those little pieces is tedious, but so worth it! The motifs, like the filagree heart, just pop.

Sewing the tie blocks into a top.

Many more vertical rows to sew, and more blocks on the ironing surface.
I leave you with some more pictures of Mr Wazoo's artistry.

A Father's day gift gets a home

The plants keep the water clean without having to use chemicals. The birds love it!

Bee balm and a garden gee-gaw raccoon

Bright pink phlox.

The butterfly bush is about 6 feet tall!!

At the end of the day, watering the new grass seeds.

Butterfly bush flower cluster.

Another ornament saved from our Door County, WI home.

Garden sentinels. Only one has birds in it.

Our flying pig gee-gaw

Our 'mutant' squirrel

Mr W's garden fairies.

6:30PM in the mountains. Beautiful!

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