Monday, April 6, 2020

Another day in isolation

I started the day delivering masks to my neighbors, as well as some cupcakes I made last night. It was good to see some other faces than Mr Wazoo, and chat at a distance about what's going on in their lives.
Yesterday I quilted a customer quilt and worked on the flannel HST quilt. The customer quilt is one from my Cat Stairway to Heaven class, and this is her finished project.

Masks for the neighbors, ready to go.

The lady who made this is gifting it to a friend who is battling cancer.

Panto: Twinkling stars

Starry back, too.
The only time I get outside these days is during the walk down to the studio. The flowers and trees are really coming on now that the weather is warm and sunny.

The gardening gnome is keeping watch over the bird condos. The blue on has a bird coming and going, so I think there will be a nesting pair there. We also have the Eastern Phoebe back, building her nest on top of the yard light. It is sheltered by the eave from other predators, like crows.

Two colors of phlox are blooming en masse, and the bees are already taking advantage.

We had this sign in Wisconsin, but it works just as well here!

The iris are about to pop.

Lilacs are also making an appearance.

Mr W's Japanese maple made it through the winter and has lush foliage. It was a gift from some of our friends for his birthday last year.
Now, I need to get to work. With Millie back in service, I should be able to get busy on one of the commission projects. Stay safe...stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your outdoor photos. I miss having flowers but we have so many deer coming through and they ear everything.


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