Sunday, April 5, 2020

Planets aligned...Millie on the move!

We fixed it!! I am so happy, I could do a little dance...but I will spare you that image. Mr Wazoo and I started over at square one and put in one element of the "fix" at a time and re-tried the machine. It took a while, but we found out it was the second cable that was bad. $35 for the fix. The un-needed parts are boxed up and ready to ship back to APQS. I really hope I never have to call there again...

To test the machine, I quilted one of my sister's quilts, figuring if it went awry I could fix it and she would be understanding. Nothing went wrong, and the quilt is lovely!

This pastel, low volume quilt is very soothing to me.

I used the panto: Flower Power

Paris on the back, too!
I continue to make masks and get them sent to the places that need them, but I am tiring of doing the same thing over and over. I think I will work on something else today.I made us some sausage biscuits for breakfast, and have enough of the biscuits left for supper tonight. Mr W did a brief house cleaning yesterday, so we aren't looking like a dust bin! Outside, it is sunny and cool. We soldier on and pray this isolation passes soon.

Some of last week's masks made it to their recipients!

I think the lilac bush we almost gave up on is going to bloom this year!!

The back garden is waking up. I'm glad you can't see the dog poop in this would spoil the illusion of Mr W's perfect landscape.

The trees have just the tint of the leaves opening.

Daughter in law watched some You Tube videos and bravely tried the machine I gave them for Christmas.

She made the family masks!
As you can see, they are a Super Family!

I'm impressed with the fussy cut bear on grandson's mask!
I think she did a good job!


  1. Congratulations on getting the longarm up and running. Just a cable and not a motor or computer motherboard, yes!


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