Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Up and down

In the last post, I was exhilarated with my quilting and work and just about everything. My bubble burst yesterday when the dreaded Millie went haywire again. I think it is a test of my patience and endurance that this happens over and over. She started sewing up and down in a ten inch long strip, only moving to the right by minuscule increments. This only lasted about 30 or 40 seconds, the time it takes me to get up from the Bernina and get to the stop button. Alas, the damage was done. There was a 1 inch wide swath of close stitches taunting me. Mr Wazoo came right away to trouble shoot, and found the problem with a loose connection in one of the motor cables. How does that happen?!! I hadn't moved anything or messed with just happened. Anyway, I had two hours of tedious picking to do. Karma? I don't know.

This is the quilt I am working on and had the snafu with. It is another giant  quilt, measuring in at 92X111". The customer sent 11 yards of fabric for the backing. I measured, cut sewed and pressed the back to get it ready. If you have ever made a king sized quilt, you will understand why I am adding a fee for this!
Meanwhile, once the dilemma was resolved, I sewed a bit on my personal project to get back in the mood. Worked like a charm! I'm ready to go finish the big quilt and get on with the next one. None the worse for wear, the quilt came through with flying colors. It had many construction issues, and will be better than it was when it came to me when the quilting is done.

Sewing strip sets

These strips are for the border

Strip sets pressed and ready to cut. On the chair seat is a surprise project for the customer with the two tee shirt quilts.
Here is the second completed tee shirt quilt with the patches sewn on and the binding finished.
Some of the patches.

At the end of the day, I stopped to smell the heady and soothing at the same time. Thanks to Mr W, I have this park-like setting to ride out the quarantine in.

These roses smell so wonderful...I wish you could be here to experience it.

I don't know what these are, but they are delicate and pretty.

Bright green sedum.

The front yard garden is full and beautiful. One pot yet to be planted, but otherwise, lovely.

1 comment:

  1. Perennial candytuft- iberis is what you got blooming. So sorry for the longarm woes. I spent two years with issues on a new machine until the dealer finally believed me and found a defective part, so I know your pain!


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