Monday, April 5, 2021

Funday Easter Sunday

The first order of business was to finish the big quilt on the frame. It only had a few rows to do, and I used that time to cut and sew borders on the first of two 'fix and finish' quilts. They are potentially the last quilts I need to finish before leaving.

The quilt is a cheerful combination of fabrics featuring daisies and ladybugs.

I have a pantograph that looks very much like the flowers in one of the fabrics, so I chose it for the quilting. It is called Keepsake Daisies.

The backing is the ladybug fabric.

 Determined to finish the last two quilts in the line, I went to work yesterday with renewed energy. I made the borders for the customer project, and had them sewn on before noon. I also made the back, pressing it and loading it up on Millie. When the quilting was underway,  I began the next customer fix and finish quilt.

I would have liked the borders to be larger, but had to work with what I was given. I used every inch of the fabric for the borders and binding!

I chose Funky Fans for the panto, flipping every other row to make it a more interesting texture.

The customer provided the stethoscope fabric, and it was just big enough to be a strip down the middle of the backing. The outside strips are a light gray Grunge fabric. I made the binding and had it on by the  6PM quitting time. Last evening, I did the hand sewing, getting it about half finished. Another sewing session tonight, and it will be ready to go.

A bright spot in the day was a visit from friends, who came over with  a lunch time treat. We had a wonderful time, chatting and enjoying the delicious dark chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream. We sat on the back porch and watched Penny play. The weather was perfect, and so was the well deserved  break. 

Mr Wazoo took Penny out for a run in the yard, and she managed to escape by running up the slope! We had a few minutes of chaos while trying to corral her, but managed to get her down and the leash on. Thank you, Gary!

The phlox is splendid this year! Lush mounds are spreading nicely over the front of the rocks, just like Mr W planned. Unfortunately, he had to add fence some areas where Penny could jump up and escape again. I figure they will be there for the time being until we come up with a better solution.

These purple flowers are growing right where the pup made her break out. She was able to jump up on the flat rock in the foreground and scramble up the flowery bit and onto the path above. After her adventure, she had to nap for a few hours in the studio to recover. She is well rested and raring to get into new mischief today. 
It's back to work for me today, one quilt to fix, quilt and bind, and four QOVs I could do and hand in.

Enjoy your day, and do something self indulgent to celebrate Spring!

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