Friday, September 4, 2020

Labor Day weekend...already?!!

Wow, time flies in a pandemic! I can't believe it is September already and that Fall is on the way. The entire Summer has been a blur of quilts and my plan is to go back and count how many I have made and quilted for others since the pandemic started in March. I know it has to be a huge number!

I went to a restaurant yesterday for the first time since this all began. We weren't certain when to wear or remove the masks...can't eat with it on, for sure. We socially distanced from other diners and I had a monster of a mahi sandwich. Yummy! After a fun visit full of gossip and conversation, a quick foray to the quilt shop it was back to the studio and work. Of course, I made it to the last row of this Christmas tree skirt I was quilting, and had to leave it until today when the bird chirped 6:00. I did manage to finish the cabin wall hanging, and hope to get it quilted over the weekend.

I had to add the cornerstones because the checkerboards didn't come out even. I think they look fine.

One row to go!

After lunch, we went to the local quilt shop where I signed up to teach a beginner level class of my favorite charity quilt. They need a class sample, so I bought some fun Christmas fabric to make it with. The class is in October, so it will give prospective students an idea for a Christmas project! This quilt is so fast and easy, I cut and sewed it when I got home. Another quilting task for the weekend. I plan to spend Labor Day in the studio doing MY quilts. I wonder how many I can get quilted...

My class sample. I added a small border of the focus fabric to corral those final edge pieces. I'll finish sewing it on today and take another picture. For now, its off to the studio!


  1. You are too funny. What is your favorite one? Mine is a Clover because it is thinner than most and has a great handle.

  2. I don't know who makes it, but I have several of the purple ones with the ergonomic handle. I have one everywhere I sew or quilt. I'm a skilled picker!


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