Saturday, September 5, 2020

Good bye Molly

I really don't know what to write today. My beloved companion has died. Molly's cancer had aggressively spread throughout her abdomen, and she seemed to be telling us she was ready. For two or three days she couldn't make the walk to the studio, so I carried her down, where she would rest all day on her pillow. She only welcomed one visitor, and I will always remember her "talking" to her with her plaintive yips and cries. Yesterday, we took her to the Vet and he did an ultrasound, revealing the tumors that had taken over her little body. We decided to end the suffering and let her go. It was very peaceful. She just closed her eyes and went to sleep. My heart is broken, but I am sure it will heal, and in time, I will welcome a new companion to my life. Still, I will always miss Molly.

Puppy Molly with her Mama, the day we picked her up.

Skipper and Molly at home in Florida

Molly always kept her favorite toys close to her, lining them up and sometimes laying on them.

Visiting with her bestie, Winkie.

Supervising  Mr Wazoo in the garden

Giving her input for the blog.

Keeping me company in the studio

Always happy, always welcoming and friendly.

Rest peacefully, old friend


  1. So sorry you lost your precious puppy:(

  2. So sorry for your loss. Pets are wonderful, but they get into our hearts and it is a big hole when they are gone. I am glad your Molly was such a great and loving companion.


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