Sunday, November 15, 2020

Rough night, better day

 Oh my! I have forgotten how hard (and tiring) it is to have a puppy. Yesterday, Penny woke up at 3:30 crying, howling and barking. I took her outside and then tried to settle her back in the crate. No such luck. At 4:30 Mr Wazoo took her out to the pen in the living room to let me have a bit of sleep. At 7:00 he rushed into the bedroom and said to get up quick, there was something wrong with the puppy. Diarrhea, vomiting and trembling along with the crying. We called the vet as soon as they opened and took the pup over  later in the morning. They have Covid precautions in place, so we sat in the car while the tech took Penny inside for tests and a check over. She got a bolus of subcutaneous fluids, a shot for nausea and a few other tests. We came home with prophylactic, gut calming antibiotics and some probiotic to add to her food. Cha-ching!! Penny settled and slept for hours. I yawned a lot and worked on a repair. No studio time at all.

Today, I am tired again. Penny improved all day yesterday and was spunky and mischievous all afternoon and into the evening. I showed her all around the property and we covered every blade of grass and blowing leaf. Bedtime came and she only cried a bit, then fell asleep...until 3:30. Deja vu all over again. I took her out to potty and put her back in the crate where she sang an entire opera in her native language of yips, whines, barks and howls. After 45 minutes, Mr W had had his limit and took her out to the living room where she slept in his arms until 7:00 when I got up. 

I took her on the property tour again where she frolicked and ran after blowing leaves as well as doing potty three times. Good girl! Breakfast snarfed, she is sleeping again. I'm going to wake her up in a few minutes for a training session and another run around the yard. 

Quiltingwise, I am still working on the repair while staying by the pen we have set up for the pup. I am bone weary tired! Two cups of coffee and a stack of French toast have improved my attitude slightly, and I am still glad we have the little pest  sweetheart with us.

Until tomorrow!

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