Monday, May 10, 2021

Just checking in

 This is a short post to fill you in on what's happening here. Dad has a major leak under his kitchen sink that Mr Wazoo was unable to fix. The plumber came out this morning and has to install an entire new drain. Oh goody.

Mr Wazoo has gone to the grocery store with a list, and I am watching Penny and monitoring the plumbing progress.

I started a new project yesterday and immediately sewed a block wrong. We decided to quit and take a swim in the park's pool instead. Refreshing and nice.

I take Dad to the foot doctor this afternoon for nail clipping, so there won't be sewing happening. I guess I have the Monday blues. And not just the new quilt!

The last corner of the block is sewn together wrong, so I need to do a bit of un-sewing before I can continue. It will be a blue and white scrappy quilt.

Mr W has been occupying his time with yard work and maintenance. Here is the side he's done...

and this is the front. It keeps him busy and out of trouble!

As usual, Penny stays close and goes with the flow. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm in Laguna Vista TX and really enjoyed your presentation for the virtual show. Any chance of meeting you? I also repair vintage quilts and make two generation quilts. Laurie


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