Friday, May 14, 2021

Promised pictures and south Texas ducks

 I spent an uneventful day grocery shopping, baking brownies and looking at photo albums with my dad. I said I would take some pictures of Mr Wazoo's handiwork, so I ventured out and did just that!

Along the side of Dad's driveway, Mr W weeded and straightened out the plants in pots.

In the front, more weeding, some new plants and fresh pebble mulch.

This plant was being squashed by the address sign, so Mr W moved the sign and cleaned out around the plant.

At my sister's house, weeding, edge trimming, a little redistribution of the pots and mulching.

This plant is growing along the side of Dad's drive as well as next to my sister's house.
 It's called Peacock Flower.

It looks like an orchid, don't you think?

Everything is neat and tidy at both houses, except for the dead tree...a victim of the recent cold snap.

At the grocery store I am reminded that we are in Texas, the land of Tex-Mex. This is the row with salsa and hot sauce. Yup, an entire row.
Hot sauces

Salsas. Wow.

While sewing, I heard quacking. Thern, I heard a bunch of high pitched squealing. I went outside to see what was happening, and a flock of these type ducks landed on the roof! They are Black Bellied Whistling Ducks, and they travel in groups (flocks?...) There were a few on the roof and some more in the trees. They are so pretty! Bright pinky orange bills and feet with the stark black and white stripes on their wings. Some of them have little mohawk hairdos. Must be the males. I didn't get a picture, so I found some on Google.
Isn't it cute?

This is just how they look flying in for a landing. It looks like they are about to crash land, but they really are agile.

How they travel...with an entourage.

This shows the mohawk hair. So funny.

The only sewing I even came close to doing was bringing the repair project out to my place in the living room. I really need to get on the stick and get it done! I'll try again  in the morning!

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