Saturday, March 26, 2022

Everybody's workin' for the weekend

All day yesterday I thought it was Saturday! Until I was changing the channel on the TV and up in the corner it says Friday! Oh goody, I have an extra weekend day to have some fun.

I finished the fourth of the group of quilts from one customer, and it came out wonderful! With a bit of time at day's end, I also quilted my latest charity quilt.

This is the second quilt using this pattern. I will also be making a quilt from this pattern later this Summer.
This one features cats!

Panto: Yodel

Same backing as its twin.

My quilt is also quilted, but my aching back prevented me from trimming it before quitting for the day.

Panto: Jetty

I bought almost an entire bolt of this backing fabric at a sale in Hayesville, NC a while ago, and have used it once before. I love the pattern of the field workers and sheaves of wheat. The color was perfect, too!
I have the binding cut, but pooped out before I could get it sewn.

During the automated row sewing, I selected and began cutting my next quilt. If you remember, I took 30 self-made  quilt  kits to Texas last Summer and only finished about 13 of them. This fabric and pattern was in one of those kit bags, ready to be made. The cutting is tedious and slow, but I am managing to do it and put the fabric away during the effort. My cutting table is already a mess with the piles of leftover fabrics from past projects, so I didn't want to add to the piles. I hope to get the cutting finished and get to work on the blocks over the weekend. I also need to bind the charity quilt  and make some more patches for the strippy quilt repair. I should be busy!

The cut pieces are labeled and stacked on. the left. The remaining fabrics are on the right. The total avalanche of fabric behind these stacks is what I need to deal with in order to clear more space on the table!( I tried to cut them out of the dice! The table is groaning under the weight of all my cast-offs.
  I read another blog yesterday where the quilter had the same problem. Her fabric ends from finished projects had taken over all but a sliver of her cutting table, and she had to spend  some precious time putting things away and making room for new project piles.  That's where I need to start...right after I get the last of the pieces cut. Ta for now; I'm off to the studio!


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