Monday, April 20, 2020

Sunday, Fun Day...Monday, taxes!

Sunday has always been my slow day, and yesterday was no exception. I made cinnamon rolls for breakfast, thinking we would have them a couple of days in a row. No way! We managed to eat the entire batch over a couple of hours watching our Sunday morning shows. Oops!
The sewing didn't start until almost noon, so not a lot was accomplished. I dug around in my pre-cut stash and found a set of 2 1/2 inch strips I got at a quilt show years ago, and decided to make something out of them. Of course, I got totally sidetracked looking at books for a pattern I liked and finally decided to make something a bit out of my usual box, For some reason, I bought yards of a citron colored linen at a show, and haven't had the guts to use it as a background in a quilt. It is really a strange color, and that must be why I was first attracted to it. Anyhoo, I cut up two yards of the stuff and started making blocks.
The pattern has three templates (yikes! The 'T' word...) so the first task was making them out of template plastic. Here is what transpired over the remaining five hours of sewing time.

The entire thing had to be on the design wall since the blocks have four different stripped  'wings' to them. I only finished piecing the top row, and the next ones should be easier because they are big squares. The strips had an ethnic feel to them, so I made the corner blocks out of Aussie fabrics from my stash. It's weird, but I like it so far.
I started on another customer quilt, making her pieced back (once again, not a big enough piece of fabric to make the back...sigh) and loading it up on Millie. It is a bed runner, according to the customer, but is pretty big for that, 60x80. Whatever. I like the design and the sparkly white fabrics.

I should have it finished tomorrow, because today I have to finish up the taxes...yuk.
My son took this picture of Dechen and Chikako on their Sunday outing, doing a bit of meditation en   pleine air. That kid cracks me up! Later, they made chocolate chip cookies. Great plan!

A four year old doing meditation? Isn't that cute?
Well, I have procrastinated enough. Time to warm up the calculator and get the taxes done and out of here. See you later...

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