Saturday, January 9, 2021

Its going to be a good day

 Things settled down and the cloud over my studio lifted. Mr Wazoo had his phone call with the Gammill guru, Bobby (thank you, Bobby!!) and fixed my machine!! It turned out to be the motor belt had frayed and was no longer tight. I couldn't believe the schmutz that was inside the case on the back of the machine. Black residue from the disintegrating belt on all the components and surfaces. 

I cleaned the machine. oiled everything, and it ran like a top. Whew! In about an hour, I had the custom quilt back on and ready to go. On to the next...

The custom quilt was carefully unloaded and placed out of harm's way

My newly cleared cutting table was, once again, cluttered with the things I had to sort or work on during the day.

See the jagged looking edge? Its a wonder the belt didn't break!

This is where all the black residue came from

I had loaded some fabric and stitched out samples of what was happening to show Bobby.
He knew right away what the problem was and Mr W set out to remedy it.

After the fix. Stitching smooth and the right size. Yippee!

Meanwhile, I took some pictures of the rush repair job before starting the hand work.
Yikes! Much of the edge looked like this.

This shows some of the new pieces pinned over the torn and missing bits

Some places didn't have batting or fabrics.

I added pieces of batting to holes like this and then pinned the new piece in place.

Everywhere there is a safety pin, I need to replace the fabric.

There are a lot of these 6 inch muslin squares that are torn or damaged.

Click the photo and get a closer view of the work ahead.

Here is another corner with the new pieces pinned on and ready to sew.
I turn and glue the edges before starting. I found this to be easier and faster than needle turning them.

All the new pieces are pinned on and I am ready to start the tedious job of stitching them in place.

It will look great when finished.

It should be pretty when completed. There is much work ahead, and I have a good start. Last night, I did about half of the worst row at one of the edges.

With everything else going along smoothly, I managed to quilt this gorgeous batik star quilt. It is quite large and will look stunning on a bed.

Isn't this wonderful? I love it.

It is huge.

Panto: African Samba mirrors the patterns in the batiks and adds a lovely texture to the surface of the quilt.

The back is this  Stonehenge fabric, contains all the colors of the quilt top.

All day the weather couldn't decide what to give us. It was raining lightly when I walked to the studio, then turned to a mushy sleet stuff, finishing off the combination with some snow. Later, it went back to rain and remained cold and gray the rest of the day.

Snow flurries in the afternoon.

Even Bigfoot ( with his leg mended ) felt he had to move along to escape the weather!

Today dawned gray and cold again with fog and some frost on the car. Penny feels better after her bout yesterday, but hasn't pooped since yesterday afternoon. I think there is a poopocolypse in the future!

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