Sunday, January 3, 2021

Purging and revitalizing!

Hi everyone. I haven't been quilting for a few days, so no pictures of pretty quilts. I spent two days cleaning out the closets in our home and packing up big bags of clothes, shoes, coats and household items for the thrift shop. I found things I thought I had lost, and rediscovered tee shirts I had put away. 

After the closets, I set out to purge the office desk and computer cabinet of all the old documents there. Piles of birthday and Christmas cards from a number of years were tossed. Why would I keep people's old cards? I don't know...I guess it I thought it would be disrespectful somehow. Nuts to that! We had squirreled away manuals and receipts from appliances we no longer own, as well as electronics that are long obsolete and recycled. A box of cords for all sorts of mystery items. Not used or needed in years...gone. A waffle maker, rice cooker (I used it ran over all over the counter), numerous used pots and pans; all things taking up space in our shortage of storage.

In the studio, I organized all the CDs I listen to while working. I must have 200 of them in all genres. They are now sorted and in storage cases for each genre. I listened to a bunch of them yesterday while I worked. My pantograph book is updated and all my pantos have their own page. I spent a couple of hours trying to get my Karen K Stone CD to load and transfer to my EQ7, but it doesn't work. Rats!! I really want to make one of the quilts and need the papers.

Today, I will be back in the studio, trying to get the mojo going again. I admit it...I'm stalled with the quilting. I think I will do a couple of QOVs and make the bits for the next repair. The pile of tees are staring at me and I need to get moving on all those tee shirt quilts. If any of you have been where I am, you'll understand how difficult it is to move forward when the task is so huge. I'd better get going!! 

Enjoy some beautiful photos my friend sent while I get to work.


  1. wow, look whats out there and we just don't pay attention.....thank you for pointing it out

  2. y buddy and I had been just talking about this particular issue, she is continually wanting to prove me completely wrong! I am going to present her this blog post not to mention rub it in a little!
    Hhealth and beauty care


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